Established in 1916, Nousaku holds a prestigious place in Japanese craftsmanship. Originating from Takaoka, Japan, the company has been a beacon of excellence in metalworking, blending traditional techniques with modern elegance.
Central to Nousaku’s identity is its deep connection to Japanese culture. One belief held dear is that water stored in tinware remains pure and does not spoil—a testament to tin’s revered qualities in Japanese tradition.
Crafted by skilled artisans, Nousaku tumblers embody this belief. Each tumbler is carefully shaped and polished, showcasing the company’s dedication to quality and precision. Their sleek design effortlessly marries tradition with contemporary style.
Nousaku tumblers are more than just functional vessels; they represent a connection to tradition and a celebration of Japanese craftsmanship.
Nousaku tumblers capture the essence of timeless craftsmanship and the belief in the purity of tin—a blend of serenity and elegance for everyday use.