Bar High Five, led by the renowned bartender Hidetsugu Ueno, is a hidden gem in Tokyo’s vibrant Ginza district. It is conveniently located near the Ginza subway station and is a must-visit for all. As you stroll through the bustling streets of Ginza, the bright lights and energetic atmosphere will guide you to this unique spot. The unassuming entrance might not prepare you for the elegant interior. However, once you step inside and pay the ¥1,000 seating charge, a cozy ambiance created by the dark wood furniture and soft lights envelops you. This blend of sophistication and warmth set the stage for an unforgettable cocktail experience, making Bar High Five a top choice for discerning cocktail enthusiasts.
When you visit Bar High Five, take advantage of the opportunity to savor the ‘Japanese Garden’ cocktail. This unique creation is a harmonious fusion of premium Japanese whiskey, Midori liqueur, and the subtle essence of green tea. The result is a drink that not only tantalizes your taste buds but also helps you envision the tranquil beauty of a traditional Japanese garden. It’s a must-try for anyone seeking to immerse themselves in the vibrant cocktail scene of Tokyo.
Address: Efflore Ginza5 Bldg. BF 5-4-15 Ginza Chuo-ward Tokyo 104-0061 JAPAN
Opening hours: 17:00 – 25:00 (Monday to Saturday), closed Sundays
Contact: +81 3-3571-5815 +81 3-3571-5815
Instagram: @barhighfive