About Wabi-Sabi

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Japanese aesthetic values are unique when compared to the rest of the world. Words such as “Mono no Aware” or “Iki & Yabo” spring to mind, as though untranslateable, they are essential in understanding Japanese attitudes towards beauty. One value many Japanese people feel when they enter a Japanese garden or a tea ceremony room is “Wabi-Sabi.” This word is difficult to explain correctly as a single word. However, by separating the two parts, the meaning becomes more apparent. Some may recognize “wabi-sabi” as a single word, but in fact, “wabi” and “sabi” have different meanings.

Wabi (侘)
Originally a word for inferiority, misery, or the feeling of loneliness when things do not go one’s way, since the Muromachi Period (1336 to 1573), it has taken on a more positive connotation, meaning quiet, calm, and straightforward.

Rust (寂)
The word “sabi” means “old” and “tasteful” in the sense of something deteriorating over time. Originally being the same as the word for rust (錆び), it has come to be associated with flawed beauty.

Together, Wabi and Sabi exemplify a value summarized as “beauty within simplicity and imperfection”. Perhaps the most well-known practitioner of these values was “Sen no Rikyu,” a tea master who famously is said to have had a student of his clean a garden to the utmost detail, only to find that something was missing, resolving this by simply shaking a tree so that its leaves would lay gentle on the freshly cleaned ground.

After the Edo period (1603-1868), the concept of wabi and sabi gradually spread throughout Japan and eventually took root in the aesthetic values of the Japanese people. At M Tokyo Escort Service, we hire Japanese callgirls who can embody these aesthetic values. With “Wabi-Sabi” spirit, we hope our services will leave an impression.
