About Special Dispatch Service


M-Group received a lot of inquiries from foreign customers during the GW period.

However, due to the GW period, we were not able to confirm reservations for all of the new customers who inquired, as well as for the ladies in our shop who would be a perfect match for you. We are very sorry for this.

To meet the needs of our customers, we are launching a ‘Special dispatch service’ to facilitate the transfer of ladies in our store.

Below are the details of the service.

Contents of the Special Dispatch Service

Contents of the Special Dispatch Service

Dispatch of M-Group women to various areas in Japan.

Example: Dispatch of women from each area to M-Group shops

Ladies at Tokyo shop ⇒ Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka

Ladies at Nagoya shop ⇒ Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka

Ladies at Kyoto shop ⇒ Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka

Ladies at Osaka shop ⇒ Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto

Example) When dispatching a woman to a place where there is no shop

Transportation fees will be charged separately from the course fee.

Contact us

For contact details for each area, please click on the links below.




